Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button's Nomination and Other Nonsense

A confession: I've only seen one of the nominees for best picture. With that said, I'm not the only one hoping that "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" doesn't win. The technical nods would be well-deserved wins, but do we need another long, overwrought, cheesy film to swipe best picture?

I'm still more than interested to tune in and see what/who wins, but I agree with David Denby's sentiment: "The envelope, please—I guess."

Plus there's the two things that everybody is bitter about, such as the constant reminder that there's a separate category for animated films. The last time an animated film was included in the Best Picture category was 1991. Does the Academy truly believe animated movies are kids fodder or that they're not as good as their live-action counterparts? Or is it difficult to accept that an animated film with a wider audience is better than some quiet, boring, self-important Holocaust film that nobody saw?

Oh yeah, and the failure to include the Dark Knight for any other major category kind of sucks. Plus there's that conflicting feeling about Heath's nomination; he definitely deserves the nomination--perhaps the win, for that matter--but only received it as a form of pity. Sadly, I feel like a win for him would signify something worse: the inherent self-congratulatory nature of the Oscars, the "look at us, we're great for awarding this dead guy" factor. Wouldn't be the first time the Academy patted itself on the back for making a brave choice.

Now is not the time to release a film if you have any hopes of it being nominated for something. If so, it sucks to be you (but really, who am I kidding? The Academy doesn't embrace 'genre' films).

Here's a list of all the nominations. Happy watching/picking.

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